(continued from Booking Contacts Scroll)

Message History/Queue Entries Scroll

Message History

* = Scroll Default

To change columns, right click on the column headings bar. A pop-up box showing all the available headings appears and both the columns required and the order in which they are displayed can be changed.


To change the width of the columns use the left mouse button in the column headings bar to drag the column boundaries as required. This facility is available in all the “scrolls” within Tourplan. These settings are automatically saved.



*Last Send Date

Date message last sent


Message code

*Message Type

Type - Booking Agent, Booking Supplier, Invoice, Voucher etc.

*Agent Code

Booking agent code, or agent code of message recipient

*Supplier Code

Supplier code of message recipient


Booking reference or Booking reference plus day/seq/voucher number

*Sent By Method

Either Fax, Email, File or Printer

*Addressed to

Message addressee (output depends on whether ‘To:’ codes exist in the message template)

*Send Count

Number of times this copy of the message has been sent – effectively a resend count


The history type – Full, Text or Date/Time

Sent By

Sent by user name


Message created date

Created By

Message created by name


Queue Entries




Queue name (if used)

Assigned To

User or Group queue was assigned to

Entered Date

Date queue entered

Sent By

Queue sent by user name


Queue status

Due Date

Queue due date

Message Number

Internal queue record ID

Voucher Number

Service voucher number

Booking Reference

Booking full reference

Booking Name

Booking name


Booking agent code

Agent Name

Booking agent full name


Service supplier code

Supplier Name

Service supplier name


Message text

PCM Name

Name of PCM if queue relates to a PCM

PCM Service Line

PCM Service Line day/sequence and supplier name